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Assistant Professor of Biology

The Department of Biological and Chemical Sciences invites candidates to apply for a full-time (9-month), tenure-track Biology faculty position beginning Fall of 2025. The programs in the Department of Biological and Chemical Sciences are housed in the School of Natural and Social Sciences on our park-like campus in Rochester New York, providing the program with the advantages of a suburban setting within a vibrant metropolitan area.

Roberts Wesleyan University is a comprehensive, Christian college of the liberal arts, sciences, and professions serving approximately 1800 traditional and nontraditional students at the undergraduate and graduate levels. The University is committed to integrating a Christian worldview with learning in order to prepare thoughtful, spiritually mature, service-oriented people who will help transform society. Roberts believes that all people are created in the image of God and therefore values and affirms human diversity and is committed to providing a supportive environment that promotes awareness of, sensitivity to, and appreciation of human diversity. In support of the diversity of thought, Roberts has more than 60 undergraduate programs/majors, including 6 different adult-degree completion programs, 14 graduate programs, and 12 online programs; our first doctoral program launched in 2016. The Department of Biological and Chemical Sciences is located in the new Crothers Science and Nursing Center equipped with modern instrumentation and technology-rich research and classroom spaces that allow for hands-on experience with over 26 state-of-the-art instruments utilized in chemical and biochemical analysis

Required qualifications include a Ph.D. in Biology (although excellent candidates with a M.S. in biology may be considered). Previous academic and research experience is preferred. Candidates with strengths in the content areas of genetics, immunology, or microbiology are encouraged to apply. However, qualified candidates in all sub-disciplines of biology are welcome to apply. Candidates must also demonstrate a strong commitment to the integration of Christian faith and professional practice and a willingness to support the University’s Christian mission and identity. A successful candidate will be able to demonstrate cultural competence and value the principles of diversity & equity.

Teaching responsibilities could include undergraduate courses in general biology, genetics, immunology, microbiology, and/or others to be determined based on areas of expertise. Additional responsibilities include conducting scientific research at the undergraduate level, advising students in biology, and supervising student internships. While the primary focus for faculty is teaching, effective faculty performance will also include service, professional-related activity, and scholarship.

Applications will be considered until the position is filled. Salary and rank are commensurate with education and experience. Interested candidates should send a letter of interest, curriculum vitae, and a completed Application for RWU Faculty Employment (download at to:

Jason Taylor, Ph.D.
Dean, School of Natural & Social Sciences
Roberts Wesleyan University
2301 Westside Drive
Rochester, NY 14624-1997

For further information, contact Dean Taylor via e-mail at or call 585.594.6486. Racially or ethnically minoritized candidates are especially encouraged to apply as well as persons from other historically underrepresented groups.

Roberts Wesleyan University complies with all applicable non-discrimination laws and is committed to the enhancement of human dignity and workplace diversity.

Salary Range: $52,000 - $58,000 based on experience and rank